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Bone marrow is the tissue that makes blood cells. It is found in the hollow part of most bones. Bone marrow aspiration is the removal of this tissue for examination. It is also known as Iliac crest tap or sternal tap.


A bone marrow aspiration removes only the marrow. They are often done to find the reason for many blood disorders and may be used to find out if cancer or infection has spread to the bone marrow.


Bone marrow aspiration removes a small amount of bone marrow fluid and cells through a needle put into a bone. The bone marrow fluid and cells are checked for problems with any of the blood cells made in the bone marrow. Cells can be checked for chromosome problems. Cultures can also be done to look for infection.


A bone marrow aspiration can also be done to collect bone marrow for medical procedures, such as stem cell transplantation or chromosomal analysis. For a stem cell transplant, bone marrow aspiration will be done at several places on the body (generally from the back of the pelvic bone) to remove enough bone marrow cells for the transplant to work.


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Bone marrow aspiration



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