Mild soreness lasting 12-24 hours is common after a bone marrow examination but serious complications are extremely rare.
Bleeding from the aspiration site. |
People with bleeding problems have a higher chance for this. If you have bleeding problems, pressure will be put on the aspiration site for at
least 10 minutes after the aspiration. In rare cases, you may be given a clotting factor or platelets in a vein in your arm before the
aspiration to prevent bleeding after the biopsy.
Infection of skin or the bone at the biopsy site. |
Injury to your heart, lung, or a major blood vessel if the sample is taken from the sternum. |
This complication is very rare. Samples are not often taken from the sternum.
There are a few reasons to avoid performing a bone marrow aspiration:
Severe bleeding disorders |
Acquired or congenital coagulation factor deficiencies which may lead to serious bleeding after the procedure.
Infection / previous radiation therapy at sample site |
Poor patient coordination |
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